Anything But Mine Read online

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  While a 24-hour emergency locksmith changed the locks on her apartment door, Jen pulled the sheets off her bed and threw them into the washing machine. She began to feel sick to her stomach and doubled over in pain, realizing she hadn’t eaten in nearly twelve hours. She walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, but found nothing but beer, diet soda, and some milk that had gone sour. Ugh. On top of everything I have to go out to the store.

  As soon as the locksmith was gone, Jen put on her sunglasses to hide her red, swollen eyes, and pulled a baseball cap onto her head. Grabbing her new apartment key, she shoved some money in her pocket, and closed the door behind her. Walking around the corner and up the block to the supermarket on Henry Street, she aimlessly wandered the aisles, picking up some eggs, milk, cereal, yogurt, low-fat cheese, a box of crackers, and, on a whim, some chocolate ice cream. After paying for her purchases, she walked outside onto Henry Street, and immediately bumped into Drew.

  “Jen, are you okay?”

  Jen shook her head. “No,” she said, as she burst into tears.

  Drew took her into his arms and guided her towards her apartment. “Let me get you home. You can’t be out on the street in this condition.”

  Once they were in the privacy of Jen’s apartment, Drew unpacked her groceries while Jen collapsed in tears all over again on the sofa. He brought her a glass of ice water, and said “I heard what Chris and Vicky did. I can’t believe what happened.”

  “How did you hear about it? I’m so confused,” Jen said, as Drew handed her a tissue and she began to blow her nose.

  “I saw Chris dragging a suitcase up Clark Street after I finished my run. He told me what happened,” Drew said.

  “I have never felt so betrayed, Drew. Never, ever, did I think he was going to cheat on me,” Jen said, leaning over and burying her head in her hands. “And especially not with her, of all people, after the way she was so mean to me back when we were all in school. She was such a bully.”

  “I know. I can’t believe it, either,” he said.

  Jen shook her head, as tears streamed down her face. “How could he betray me like this, Drew?”

  As she started to sob again, Drew moved closer to Jen, taking her into his arms, and holding her for what seemed like an eternity. My God, Jen, holding you feels so right, he thought, remembering the moment he first met Jen two years earlier. I wanted you from the moment I met you, and if I hadn’t been dating someone else when we first met, who knows what would have happened. I made you my best friend instead, and didn’t interfere with your relationship with Chris even after Tammy and I split up last summer, he thought, as he stroked Jen’s back in an attempt to soothe and comfort her. But now, there is nothing to keep us apart.

  Drew continued to hold Jen tightly in his arms, and after a few moments she finally stopped crying, and rested her head on his shoulder. Summoning up the courage to do what he’d wanted to do for more than two years, Drew smoothed Jen’s long blond hair, and softly kissed the top of her head. In response, Jen exhaled, and pressed her body against his. When she again nestled her head on his shoulder and against his neck, Drew felt confident enough to kiss her on the top of her head a second time.

  Jen turned her head, and gazed into Drew’s large hazel eyes. Reaching up with a trembling hand, she ran her fingers through his dark brown hair, and then let them trail a path down his cheek, rough with stubble, before lightly touching his lips with her fingertips.

  Every nerve ending in Drew’s body was on fire from Jen’s touch. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly and, after a moment’s hesitation, he brushed his lips against hers, gently kissing her.

  She returned his kiss, softly and slowly at first, and before long they were caught up in the moment, with their tongues passionately exploring each other’s mouths. Drew’s mouth traveled down her neck, causing Jen to moan softly. Is this really happening, Drew asked himself, as he moved one of his hands down from around Jen’s neck to tentatively caress one of her breasts.

  Suddenly, Jen snapped back to reality and pulled away from Drew. “Oh, God, what are we doing?”

  Startled, Drew asked, “What do you mean?”

  “Drew, I just broke up with Chris a couple of hours ago,” she said, trembling. “We probably shouldn’t rush into doing something we might regret later.”

  “Jen, I would never regret holding you and kissing you. I really care about you.”

  Jen hung her head and sighed, before explaining, “I know you care about me, and I care about you too. You’re one of my best friends. But I don’t think I’m in the right place, mentally, at this moment to jump into another man’s arms, even if that man is you.” She sat back, and looked deeply into Drew’s hazel eyes before continuing, “And I definitely don’t want to just satisfy some kind of physical need right now and risk jeopardizing our friendship.” Jen took Drew’s hands in hers and squeezed them tight. “If we’re going to go down this road, and be more than friends, I want to make sure that you aren’t just a rebound guy, if you know what I mean. I couldn’t live with myself if we jumped into something now just because I’m hurt and sad.”

  “So, you need some time?”

  “Yes, I do,” she said.

  “How much time do you think you need?”

  Jen shook her head. “I don’t know. Can we play it by ear and see what happens?”

  “Sure, no big deal. Are we still friends?”

  “Of course! That’s the whole point of slowing down and not jumping into things.” The corners of Jen’s mouth turned up into a shy smile, before she reached out and pulled Drew into a tight hug. “I don’t know what I’d ever do without you, Drew.”

  “I don’t know what I’d ever do without you either, Jen.”


  Jen stared at her cell phone, debating whether to listen to the voice mail Chris had just left her, or delete it instead.

  After a few minutes, she finally worked up the courage to listen to it, and immediately felt nauseous. Even though it’s been a week since I’ve seen or spoken with him, my emotions are still raw, she thought. And I know I promised to let myself be auctioned off for a dinner date at the fundraiser for the charity he works for, but I don’t know if I can deal with seeing him.

  Pacing back and forth in her living room, Jen’s anxiety kicked into high gear. I know I have to get back to him to confirm I’ll be there, but the last thing I want to do is talk to him. If I don’t show up, he’ll lose his job. And I don’t want to bail on the charity either, especially because they’re depending on the money that will be raised. What am I going to do?

  After mulling over her options, Jen dialed her agent, Mike Rappaport, and asked him to reach out to Chris for her. “Let him know that I’m still going to attend the event, and am still willing to be auctioned off to the highest bidder for a dinner date,” she said, before thanking him for his help.

  Still feeling sick to her stomach, Jen walked over to her living room window and stared at the Manhattan skyline across the East River. I don’t know if I can handle seeing Chris, she thought. It would be so much easier if I had a date. As if a light bulb had gone off over her head, Jen picked up the phone and began dialing, thinking, I know just the right person who can help get me through the fundraiser.

  “Hey, Jen,” Drew said, as he answered the phone. “What’s up?”

  “I have a favor to ask,” Jen replied. “I hope you can help me.”

  “Sure. Whatever you need.”

  “I have to make an appearance at an event on Friday night. It’s that charity auction that Chris is working on, the one where I’m going to be auctioned off to the highest bidder for a dinner date.”

  “Yeah, I remember you mentioning that a while back.”

  “Well…um…,” Jen said, as her stomach tied up in knots. “I’m not good in crowds, and I get so nervous at these kinds of events. And
I’m not sure if I can handle seeing Chris there, either. Would you go with me? As my date?”

  Drew’s stomach did a flip-flop as he answered, “Of course! You know that I’d do anything for you, Jen. I’m looking forward to it.” Finally, I get to spend some time with you that doesn’t involve our daily five-mile runs through the streets of Brooklyn Heights, he thought.

  Not realizing that she was holding her breath, Jen exhaled. “Thanks, Drew. I’m so relieved. Can I ask you to do something else for me, then?”

  “Sure, of course.”

  “I’m afraid that Chris might try to bid on the date with me,” she tentatively replied. “If he does bid on the date, would you also bid on it? I’ll cover your bids up to $25,000, even though I seriously doubt Chris will go that high. He doesn’t have that kind of money, and would have to max out all his credit cards in order to cover his bid, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “So…if I win,” Drew said, cautiously, “do I get to take you out on a real dinner date?”

  Jen giggled nervously, before replying, “Of course you do! I’d love that.”

  “Then I’d better win,” Drew said, thankful that Jen couldn’t see the huge grin on his face.

  “We’re going to have to stop for photos on the way inside,” Jen said in a barely-audible whisper, as the limousine slowed to a stop in front of Cipriani on 42nd Street on Friday night. “Please don’t leave my side tonight. I’m so nervous.”

  “Don’t worry, Jen,” Drew said, as he placed a hand over Jen’s trembling hands, in an attempt to calm her nerves. “I’m here for you.” I couldn’t take my eyes off of you if I tried, Drew thought, as he stared at Jen who, in turn, was staring out the window of the limousine. I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you are tonight, he thought, as his eyes roamed over her body, barely concealed in the black halter-top dress that showed off her curves, including her ample cleavage. It’s hard to reconcile the way you look tonight with the friend I go running with every day.

  Drew stepped out of the rear of the limo first, before offering his hand to Jen as she exited onto the sidewalk to a burst of flashbulbs. “I don’t know how you do this all the time,” he said, as he placed his arm around her waist and guided her towards the entrance.

  Once inside, Jen whispered in Drew’s ear, “I hope you’re ready to be in all the gossip columns tomorrow. Did you hear the photographers asking your name?”

  “Yeah,” Drew replied. “Unbelievable.” He leaned in towards Jen, and lightly kissed her on the top of her head, before looking into her enormous, espresso-brown eyes. “You look gorgeous tonight. That dress and those heels, my God, you’re driving me crazy.”

  Drew’s remark caused Jen to blush. “I usually tower over everyone when I wear high heels. I love that, for a change, we’re practically eye to eye,” she said, referring to Drew’s athletic, six-foot four-inch body.

  As they made their way through the crowd, Jen held tightly to Drew’s hand, drawing strength from the security she felt by being near him. “I’m so glad you’re here with me tonight,” she said.

  “Me too,” he said, looking around the room. “Be prepared. Here comes Chris.”

  Chris made his way through the crowd, and approached Jen and Drew. “Thanks for coming tonight, Jen,” he said. “I appreciate it.”

  Jen’s mouth went dry, and finding that she was unable to speak, she nodded her head instead.

  Drew protectively wrapped an arm around Jen’s shoulder, and said, “Chris, I don’t think Jen wants to talk to you.”

  “Come on, Drew, we’re all friends,” Chris protested.

  “Jen, give me a second,” Drew said, before taking Chris by the arm and pulling him aside. “Look, Chris, you’re right, we’re all friends. That’s why Jen showed up here tonight – so you wouldn’t lose your job. But I’ve got to tell you, she’s really raw, really hurt by what you did to her. Give her some space, buddy.”

  “But I just want her back,” Chris pleaded.

  Drew shook his head. “I don’t think that’s going to happen. Let it go.” He turned back to Jen, and steered her towards the bar. “Let’s get a drink.”

  “That was awkward,” Jen said, her hand shaking as she took a sip from the wine glass Drew handed her. “Thanks for taking care of me.”

  “I’ll always take care of you, Jen,” Drew replied, before leaning down to kiss her on top of her head.

  At that moment, the event chairperson stepped onto the stage, and the program began. The first few items to be auctioned off were some sports memorabilia, followed by a number of weekend trips to Caribbean resorts.

  Jen hadn’t been paying much attention to the program, until she was called to the stage by the emcee for the evening, who announced “For our finale, we’re auctioning off a dinner date with supermodel Jennifer LaBella. Most of you know that Jennifer is a Desiree’s Desire lingerie model, and has made multiple appearances in the Sports Weekly swimsuit edition.”

  Loud applause and whistles greeted Jen as she nervously climbed the stairs to the stage, while the emcee called out, “Can we start the bidding at $1,000?”

  Jen scanned the crowd in front of the stage, and saw Chris move towards the first row. “I’ll bid $1,000,” he said.

  “$2,000,” replied Drew, in a clear, strong voice.

  “I’ll bid $3,000,” said another man, standing towards the side of the stage.

  Jen struggled to keep a smile on her face while her stomach churned and became tied up in knots, as the bids increased in increments of $1,000, until the final remaining bidders were Chris and Drew.

  “I’ll go to $19,000,” Chris said, grimacing slightly. I can’t go any higher than this, he thought.

  “$20,000,” Drew said, confidently. I’ve got this, he thought, as he watched Chris stare at the floor and shake his head, before turning his attention back towards the stage and Jen.

  The crowd became silent, as no more bids were placed. Jen breathed a sigh of relief, as she looked down from the stage at Drew and gratefully mouthed the words, “Thank you.”

  Finally, the auctioneer announced, “We have a bid of $20,000, going once, going twice...”

  “I bid $100,000,” boomed a deep voice from the back of the room, as every head turned and all color drained from Jen’s face.


  Jen was pacing back and forth, visibly shaking and wringing her hands, by the time Drew found her back stage. Running to him, she asked, “What happened out there? Who bid on me?”

  Drew enveloped Jen in his arms, in an attempt to calm her down. “I don’t know, Jen,” he said, before smoothing her hair and leaning down to kiss her on the top of her head. “Mike is trying to find out now.”

  Moments later, Mike joined them, and said, “Well, I have some good news and some bad news.”

  Jen and Drew turned towards him, and Jen asked, “What do you mean?”

  “The bad news is that the guy who bid on you isn’t some sort of a crazy person, and wasn’t just goofing off,” Mike said. “If he was a nut, or just fooling around, we’d be able to invalidate his bid and re-instate Drew as the top bidder.”

  “So…what is the good news?” Drew asked. “Who is he?”

  Mike took a deep breath before replying, “His name is Vince Moscolo.”

  Confused, Jen asked, “Who?”

  “Vince Moscolo,” Mike repeated. “He’s the chairman of Penn Worldwide Investments, a private equity and investment firm. Jen, he’s a billionaire.”

  “You’re kidding me, right? I’ve never heard of him.”

  “No kidding, Jen. Look,” Mike said, showing her the display on his smart phone screen, “this is an article from Forbes.”

  Jen took Mike’s phone and began reading the article, before handing the phone to Drew. “He seems legit,” Drew replied, after scanning the article, as he handed the phone bac
k to Mike.

  “So why would a billionaire bid on a date with me? I don’t get it, Mike,” Jen said.

  Mike rolled his eyes. “Really, Jen? Gee, I don’t know. Let’s see…you’re a Desiree’s Desire lingerie model, and a Sports Weekly swimsuit model. Need I go on?” When she simply stared at her feet, he continued, “He has a history of dating beautiful women. I think he recently broke up with Daphne Warfield. You know her, right?”

  Jen nodded her head. “We’ve done some photo shoots together. But, still, why did he bid on me? I’m nothing like Daphne,” Jen said, recalling Daphne’s habit of flaunting the jewels and cars she somehow convinced her rich boyfriends to buy her.